Dongqiaoenbulak Fm
Type Locality and Naming
Aksu-Kalpin region. The Dongqiaoenbulak Fm was named by Gao Zhenjia et al., in 1986 and was published by Lu Songnian in 1990. The typical section is located in the east of Qiaoenbulak Mountain, and the reference section is in the southwest of Yourmeinak village, Wushi County, Xinjiang Weiwuerzhu Zizhiqu (Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region). Lower-middle formation of Qiaoenbulak Gr.
Synonym: (东乔恩布拉克组)
Lithology and Thickness
The Dongqiaoenbulak Fm is dominated by grayish green massive polymictic conglomerate, intercalated with inequigranular pebbly greywacke and minor lithic arkose, in which developed abundant slump structures. Except a layer of pebbly sandstone at bottom, most of polymitic conglomerates are massive without beddings, which composed of the random accumulation of inequigranular pebbles, sand and mud. Some horizons have the deformation structures such as wrinkles, convolute beddings etc. The thickness of the Dongqiaoenbulak Formation ranges from 61 to 311 m.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
It rests disconformably, locally conformably or unconformably on the underlying Xifangshan Fm
Upper contact
The top underlies conformably the overlying Muyangtan Fm
Regional extent
Aksu-Kalpin region. The area of distribution, similar to the Qiaoenbulak Gr, is mainly exposed north of Aksu, east of Posigeima Qiaoenbulak, south of Wushi, south of Yourmeinak, Fangshan and Sugetbulak area.
The microclastic rock yields microplants: Trachysphaeridium rugosum, T. incrassatum, T. simplex, T. minor, Leiopsophosphaera aperta, L. densa, L. solida, Margominuscula aff. tennela, Pseudozonosphaera sinica, Macroptycha cf. uniplicata etc. Trace fossils are Chondrites sp. etc.
Depositional setting
Lu Songnian et al. (1993) interpreted the facies as products of subaqueous gravity flow slumping in the deep-water channel of a submerged fan.
Additional Information